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财经网 2023-10-17国内财经




紧紧围绕高质量发展首要任务,把内蒙古建设成为我国北方重要的生态安全屏障、我国北方安全稳定屏障、国家重要能源和战略资源基地、国家重要农业基地和畜产品生产基地,是我国向北开放的重要桥头堡。 ,是习近平总书记和党中央对内蒙古的战略定位和重大责任。 为深入贯彻落实习近平总书记重要讲话批示精神,支持内蒙古着力构建中华民族共同体意识,加快实施“五大任务”,推动高质量发展,为努力谱写内蒙古中国式现代化新篇章,现提出以下意见。





——生态优先、绿色发展。 牢固树立绿水青山就是金山银山的理念,扎实推进黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展,加大草原、森林、湿地等生态系统保护和修复力度,加强综合防治治理荒漠化,筑牢祖国北疆绿色长城。

——转变方式、调整结构。 立足内蒙古资源禀赋和战略定位,推动经济发展方式转变,调整优化产业结构,延伸资源型产业链,创新驱动发展,绿色低碳发展,全面推进深化改革开放,切实提高发展质量和效益。

——改革开放,创造优势。 我们将贯彻落实“两个毫不动摇”原则,深化要素配置市场化改革,持续优化营商环境。 积极参与共建“一带一路”和中蒙俄经济走廊,加强与国内其他地区合作,打造连通内外、辐射周边、集聚的全区域开放平台资源整合,要素整合。

——底线思维,确保安全。 统筹发展与安全,充分发挥能源产业、战略资源、农牧业优势,增强产业链供应链竞争力和安全,为高质量发展发挥更大支撑保障作用全国各地。 有效防范和处置地方债务风险。

——保障民生、凝聚人心。 我们要牢固树立以人民为中心的发展思想,在发展中更加注重保障和改善民生,推动人口高质量发展,扎实促进共同富裕,全面推进民族团结进步事业,让各族人民各族人民共享现代化成果。





(四)科学推进荒漠化综合治理。 把荒漠化防治作为荒漠化防治的主要任务,实行分类政策、集中力量开展重点地区大面积荒漠化防治,统筹推进重要生态系统保护修复重大工程和建设将“三北”防护林体系工程和沙漠地区重点区旗县研究纳入重大工程推进实施。 加大对荒漠化土地治理、光伏荒漠化治理等支持力度,全力打好黄河“几个弯”生态环境系统治理攻坚战、科尔沁、浑善达克沙地消灭攻坚战、河西走廊—塔克拉玛干沙漠边缘截击战、支援毛乌素战役 沙地、库布其沙漠等重点管理区实施一批重点工程,开展重点生态工程生态环境效益评价随着“三北”建设的深入开展,有效为首都构筑了坚实的生态安全屏障。

(五)加强草原、森林、湿地保护和恢复。 加大对大兴安岭森林生态保护、草原生态保护与恢复管理、湿地保护与恢复、水土保持、退化森林草原恢复等的支持力度。 严格执行草畜平衡和禁牧休牧制度,促进草原休养生息,防止超载过度放牧。 严格落实原生荒漠和原生植被封育制度,在重点风沙口、沙源区、尘道区实行冬季免耕留茬制度。 支持内蒙古自主开展草原保险试点。 创建贺兰山、大青山等国家公园,培育建设草原保护生态国家重点实验室。 支持内蒙古建设国家生态文明试验区。

(六)深入开展环境污染防治。 坚决打赢蓝天、碧水、净土保卫战,推进重点区域清洁取暖改造。 加强呼和浩特、包头、乌海及周边地区大气污染联防联控和历史遗留矿山治理。 全面实施入黄支流整治和入河排污口分类整治,加快呼伦湖、乌梁素海、岱海、察罕淖尔等地水生态综合治理,加强工业园区水污染整治,加快推进垃圾、污水的收集、转运、运输。 处置设施建设。 加强污染农田、矿区等区域土壤风险管控和修复。 推进“无废城市”建设。 推进农牧业面源污染治理。 支持内蒙古深化排污权交易试点。 加强噪声污染防治。

(七)推动绿色低碳循环发展。 积极稳妥推进碳峰值碳中和,推动能源消费双控逐步转向碳排放双控。 加快霍林河、包头铝业等低碳园区建设,推动鄂尔多斯蒙苏、包头大茅等零碳园区发展。 实施综合保护战略。 支持城市垃圾分类回收设施建设,加强退役动力电池、光伏组件、风电叶片等新兴产业废弃物回收利用。 建设鄂尔多斯粉煤灰提取氧化铝综合利用基地。 推广零排放重卡,在煤矿区、物流园区、钢铁、火电等领域培育一批清洁运输企业。 深化内蒙古碳监测评估试点,建立健全碳监测评估技术体系。 建设内蒙古碳计量中心,完善森林、草原、湿地、沙漠碳汇计量监测体系。 支持呼伦贝尔、兴安盟、赤峰等地区探索生态产品价值实现机制。 支持内蒙古绿色金融发展。


(八)增强创新发展能力。 聚焦新能源、稀土新材料、煤基新材料、石墨烯、氢能源、生物制药、生物育种、草业等优势领域,布局建设国家创新平台。 支持呼和浩特、包头、湖北等地按程序申请创建国家自主创新示范区。 加快国家乳品行业技术创新中心建设,研究支持创建国家稀土新材料和草种产业技术创新中心。 鼓励草原畜牧生殖调控和育种领域国家重点实验室培育和建设。 支持内蒙古优势科研力量参与国家实验室建设,开展新能源发电、绿色制氢、高效灵活煤炭发电、新型电力系统等研究与实践。 优先考虑国家重大人才工程计划和国家人才战略布局。 支持引进和培养紧缺专业人才,落实相关地区优惠补贴政策。

(九)加快产业结构优化升级。 大力推进新型工业化,支持内蒙古培育发展先进制造业集群。 推动钢铁、有色、建材等重点领域节能减排、污染减排技术改造,延伸煤焦化工、氯碱化工、氟硅化工产业链。 鼓励铁合金、焦化等领域企业优化重组。 有序发展光伏制造、风电机组制造等现代装备制造业,加快发展电子级晶硅、特种合金等新材料。 支持内蒙古国防科技产业项目部署,促进民航产业发展。 推动中药(蒙药)、原料药等医药产业发展。

(十)推动服务业高质量高效发展。 鼓励现代服务业、先进制造业、现代农牧业融合发展。 加快包头稀土产品检测检验中心建设。 支持内蒙古枢纽经济发展,推进国家物流枢纽和国家骨干冷链物流基地建设。 公路集装箱模块化运输研究与应用培育和发展银色经济。 实施中华优秀传统文化传承发展工程。 将西辽河文明研究纳入中华文明发现工程,支持红山文化遗址申报世界文化遗产。 推进长城、黄河国家文化公园建设,支持阿尔山创建国家级旅游度假区。 支持珠恩嘎达布其等边境县开展边境旅游实验区改革试点。 研究建立和林格金融数据产业园。 支持内蒙古融资担保机构与国家融资担保基金加强合作。

(十一)加强基础设施体系建设。 研究加强湖南航道与包(银)海航道连通,推进包鄂榆铁路扩能改造工程、临哈铁路临河至额济纳段等项目建设,研究建设齐齐哈尔至海拉尔、海拉尔至黑山第一条铁路,推进乌兰浩特至阿尔山至海拉尔铁路改造,打造贯通内蒙古东、中、西部的铁路大通道。 在严防地方债务风险的前提下,推动国道主线内蒙古路段全部竣工、盟市公路互联互通、旗县公路连通,城镇人口进一步增加。超过10万条,连接重点港口高速公路。 完善农村牧区公路交通管理设施和安全防护设施。 支持重点旗县交通运输和通用机场建设。 提高内蒙古电信普遍服务水平。 开展低空空域改革,发展低空经济。 加快国家综合计算网络内蒙古枢纽节点建设,支持和林格尔数据中心集群“东数据西计算”工程建设。 推动内蒙古枢纽节点与其他算力枢纽节点之间网络传输性能提升,扩大互联网出口带宽。 开展新建互联网交换中心可行性研究和论证。 支持内蒙古森林草原火灾应急通信基础设施建设。


(十二)促进矿产资源有序开发利用。 严格落实国土空间规划、用途控制和生态环境区划控制要求,确保能源资源基地、国家规划矿区、重点勘查矿区、生态保护红线、自然保护区衔接。 允许在基本草原上依法依规新建场所。 批准国家重大矿产资源勘查开发项目。 全面推进绿色勘查和绿色矿山建设,探索制定促进矿业企业采用先进技术的激励政策。 完善矿产资源节约和综合利用相关制度,切实加强矿山安全设施和能力建设,对不符合安全生产条件的矿山进行分类处置,推动非煤矿山资源整合,鼓励综合开发和与煤炭相关的资源的利用。

(十三)加强矿区管理和恢复。 督促生产矿山全面履行矿山地质环境保护修复和土地复垦义务,探索支持第三方治理模式。 协同开展矿山污染治理和生态修复。 监督指导矿山企业足额退出并规范矿山地质环境治理修复资金的管理和使用。 鼓励有条件的矿区开展大规模土地综合治理,相邻矿山企业实行集中连片综合治理。 加大对废弃历史矿山生态修复的财政投入,鼓励和支持社会资本参与并获得合理回报。

(十四)创新资源型地区转型发展体制机制。 完善资源开发补偿机制和利益分配共享机制,强化资源型企业生态环境修复治理责任和社会责任,促进绿色发展和利益共享。 勘探村集体通过租赁等方式利用矿区土地,共同建设就业扶持车间、现代农业设施、开发新能源,促进矿区居民就业增收。 落实省际输电项目长期合作协议,在严格执行省际、跨地区输受电优先发电计划的基础上,鼓励对外电力中长期交易以市场化方式输电,推动新能源发电企业参与省际现货交易。 鼓励中央企业加大支持力度,加快呼和浩特能源总部经济集聚区建设。 支持乌海、鄂尔多斯蒙西、棋盘井工业园区、阿拉善乌斯泰工业园区整合园区资源,理顺管理体制。


(十五)提高传统能源供应保障能力。 有序释放煤、电、油气先进产能,加快煤炭储备项目建设。 优先支持内蒙古开发煤炭产能储备,建立一定规模的煤炭调峰储备能力。 强化煤电保障,加快国家规划内煤电建设,储备一批煤电项目。 全面推进煤电机组“三改联动”。 继续推进淘汰落后煤电产能,按照延寿运行、淘汰关停、“关停不拆”转化为应急备用电源。 支持内蒙古油气勘探开发,加大油气勘探区块出让力度,推动鄂尔多斯非常规天然气勘探开发,建设优质鄂尔多斯现代煤化工示范区和煤化工产业基地。 ——油气战略基地,带动煤基新材料高端发展。

(十六)推进大型风电、光伏基地建设。 加快大型风电、光伏基地建设,配套库布其、腾格里、乌兰巴托、巴丹吉林等沙漠、戈壁、沙漠地区电源和外电通道。 研究推进浑善达克沙地至京津冀输电通道建设。 坚持规模化与分布式发展相结合,同步配置高效储能调峰装置,积极发展光热发电。 支持内蒙古新型电力系统重大示范工程建设,鼓励新能源微电网应用。 研究优化蒙西电网与华北电网联网方式。 按照国家有关规定,优化500kV电网工程验收程序。 加强电网规划、审批、建设、运营等方面的统筹协调。

(十七)加快建设现代能源经济体系。 研究建立区域性煤炭交易中心。 完善适应新能源参与的电力市场规则,探索蒙西电网试点电力容量市场交易,建立支持可再生能源的煤电项目容量补偿机制。 在内蒙古电力市场开展绿色电力交易。 加快新能源产业关键材料、装备及零部件等全产业链发展,壮大风能、太阳能、储氢产业集群,建设国家级新能源装备制造基地。 开展风能、太阳能规模化制氢和新能源存储技术研究,推动绿色氢能向绿色氨、绿色酒精、氢冶金等产业化应用。 在提高行业标准的前提下,推进乌兰察布至燕山石化氢气管道建设。 支持低碳、零碳、负碳项目建设。 鼓励新能源就地消费,支持先进绿色高耗能产业向内蒙古低碳、零碳园区转移。

(十八)加强稀土等战略资源开发利用。 支持内蒙古战略矿产资源系统勘查评价、保护性开发、优质利用、规范管理,提高稀土、铁、镍、铜、钨、锡、钼、金、萤石、晶质石墨、锂等以及铀、氦等战略矿产资源保障能力。 加快发展高纯稀土金属、高性能稀土永磁体、高性能抛光等高端稀土功能材料。 扩大稀土催化材料在钢铁、水泥、玻璃、汽车、火电等行业的应用。 支持包头稀土产品交易所依法合规建设全国性稀土产品交易中心,将包头建设成为全国最大的稀土新材料基地和全球领先的稀土应用基地。


(十九)加强农牧业基础设施建设。 加快高标准农田建设,逐步将永久性基本农田全部建成高标准农田。 逐步扩大东北地区黑土保护利用范围,加强黑土侵蚀沟壑治理,支持有条件的地方开展盐碱地综合利用,加强现有盐碱地改造升级,推进河套等大中型灌区持续建设和现代化建设。 提高天然草地生产能力和草种供应能力,加快发展设施农业和圈养,扩大粮改饲料试点,建设羊草、苜蓿、燕麦等优质饲草基地。 推进农牧业机械化、智能化,加快国家现代农业产业园区、农村产业综合发展园区和农业产业强镇建设。

(二十)大力发展生态农牧业。 开展粮油等主要农作物增产规模化经营,加大对粮(油)主产县的激励支持力度。 实施优势特色品种培育和动植物保护工程,支持生物育种产业化应用试点,建设大豆、玉米、马铃薯种子生产大县,打造国家重要“粮仓”。 支持甜菜生产,稳定甜菜糖产量。 支持草原畜牧业转型升级工程建设,实施草畜平衡示范县试点。 支持奶牛繁育联合攻关,推动全县奶牛生产能力提升,建设国家奶牛交易中心。 稳步落实畜牧良种补贴政策,推动肉牛扩产提质和育肥场建设。 推动农畜产品精深加工和绿色有机品牌创建。 支持农业产业化国家重点龙头企业认定,推动农牧业龙头企业上市。 高质量建设巴彦淖尔国家农业高新技术产业示范区和兴安盟现代畜牧业实验区。

(二十一)增强水资源保障能力。 推进内蒙古骨干水网工程建设,稳步实施引辽吉林二期工程。 推动农业节水增效、工业节水减排、城市节水减损。 推动煤矿绿色节水开采和矿井水综合利用,鼓励因地制宜利用矿井水进行生态补水和农业灌溉。 有序推进西辽河、鄂尔多斯台地地下水超采治理。 加快黄河粗粒泥沙集中地区拦沙工程建设进度。 深化农业水价综合改革,加快完善供水计量制度,建立精准补贴和节水奖励机制。 推动盟市水权交易,依法依规开展水权改革。

(二十二)深化农村牧区改革。 完善土地、牧场经营权流转服务体系,在推动新增耕地确权登记发证的基础上,探索开展高效利用试点。 按照国家部署,规范开展与土地增减挂钩剩余指标跨省调整,开展农村牧区集体经营性建设用地入市试点有序推进农村牧区现有建设用地的有效利用。 深入推进“空心村”治理。 因地制宜开展优势特色农畜产品保险,对符合条件的农牧保险给予适当补贴。


(二十三)加强大明通道建设。 Accelerate the construction with Manzhouli Port as the node, connecting Dalian Port, Qinhuangdao Port and the Northeast region internally, externally connecting the northward open east passage from Russia and Mongolia to Europe, using Erenhot Port as the node, supported by the China-Mongolia-Russia Middle Line Railway, and internally connected to Tianjin Port and the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, and connects Russia, Mongolia, and Europe to the northward open middle channel, improving the functions of cargo customs clearance, logistics trade, and production and processing. Improve the port service capabilities of China-Europe freight trains in Manzhouli and Erenhot, promote the expansion and quality improvement of China-Europe freight trains in Inner Mongolia, and study the inclusion of freight trains to Mongolia in the planned routes. Improve Ulanqab's China-Europe freight train collection and distribution capabilities. Accelerate the feasibility study on the upgrade and reconstruction of the China-Mongolia-Russia middle-line railway, and jointly promote the upgrade and reconstruction of the Ulanqab-Ulaanbaatar-Ulan-Ude cross-border railway channel. Promote the preliminary research and construction of cross-border railways at Ganqimaodu, Ceke and other ports. Coordinate and promote the pilot construction of "smart ports" and "digital national gates" to improve port customs clearance support capabilities.

(24) Accelerate the development of an open economy. Support the application to establish the China (Inner Mongolia) Free Trade Pilot Zone in accordance with the procedures. Accelerate the integrated development of processing, investment and trade in the Manzhouli and Erenhot mutual trade zones. Study and optimize the administrative divisions of border ports to enhance endogenous development momentum. Promote innovative management models in Manzhouli and Zhalainuoer, Ulanqab and Erenhot and other regions, and promote the coordinated development of ports and hinterland. Further consolidate the industrial foundation and promote high-quality development of the comprehensive bonded zone. Promote cooperation with Mongolia and Russia in the fields of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fishery, energy, minerals, and infrastructure. Strengthen technology and project exchanges and cooperation with Mongolia and other neighboring sand source countries in the fields of sand and dust source monitoring and comprehensive management, ecological environment and ecological restoration. Support Inner Mongolia in expanding economic and trade cooperation with Singapore and other countries.

(25) Strengthen regional collaboration and interaction. Actively integrate into the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, deepen cooperation between Beijing and Mongolia, and explore and promote counterpart cooperation between Inner Mongolia and Beijing. Support port resource sharing and inland port cooperation with Tianjin, Hebei, Liaoning and other provinces and cities. Strengthen joint prevention and treatment of ecological environment, infrastructure interconnection, and public service cooperation and sharing with adjacent areas such as Zhangjiakou, Chengde, Datong, Xinzhou, Yulin, and Shizuishan. Accelerate the construction of the demonstration zone for undertaking industrial transfer in eastern Mongolia (Chifeng-Tongliao). Strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation with the Yangtze River Delta, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the three northeastern provinces and other regions, and undertake industrial transfers through joint construction of parks, enclave economies, off-site incubation and other methods. Study the integration and construction of a number of border industrial parks in Manzhouli, Erenhot, Ganqimaodu, Ceke and other border areas. Investment within the central budget will provide corresponding support for park infrastructure construction to create a new highland for border opening.

8. Strengthen the construction of the Chinese nation's community and build a solid barrier for security and stability in northern Xinjiang

(26) Comprehensively promote the cause of national unity and progress. Carry out demonstrations and build a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation, and promote the construction of research bases and educational practice bases. We will build a shared spiritual home for the Chinese nation, unswervingly and comprehensively promote the use of nationally compiled teaching materials, and ensure that young people of all ethnic groups master and use the country's common spoken and written language. We will consolidate and deepen the progress of ethnic unity and continue to carry out the "three plans" for exchanges, exchanges and integration among all ethnic groups. Improve the systems and mechanisms to prevent and resolve major ethnic risks. Coordinate the layout planning of urban and rural construction and the allocation of public service resources, create more complete social conditions for people of all ethnic groups to live together, learn together, build together, share, and enjoy together, and continue to maintain the high honor of "Model Autonomous Region" in the new era.

(27) Strengthen basic livelihood protection. We will implement detailed employment priority policies and focus on the employment of college graduates, veterans, migrant workers, unemployed people and other groups. Support the development of public employment service capacity improvement projects, support qualified localities in building public training bases, and promote the construction of entrepreneurship and innovation parks. Promote work-for-relief in key government-invested projects and infrastructure construction projects in agricultural and animal husbandry areas, and appropriately increase the proportion of labor remuneration. Consolidate and expand the results of poverty alleviation, support the country's key counties in rural revitalization to implement a number of key projects to strengthen shortcomings and promote revitalization, and strengthen follow-up support for relocation centralized resettlement sites. Strengthen employment assistance for families with poverty, subsistence allowance families, zero-employment families, disabled people and other needy people, increase the income of low-income people, expand the middle-income group, reasonably adjust the scope and categories of subsidies for difficult and remote areas within the national policy framework, and optimize Income distribution pattern, explore effective ways to solidly promote common prosperity.

(28) Improve the level of public services. Support universities in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and Inner Mongolia to form alliances, and promote the pairing of universities directly under the Ministry of Education to support local universities in Inner Mongolia. Reasonably determine the scale of undergraduate and postgraduate training in local universities in Inner Mongolia, support the strengthening of professional construction in food science, ecology, herbology, metallurgical rare earths, clinical medicine, preventive medicine and other disciplines, and support Inner Mongolia University in strengthening the "double first-class" construction. Support the construction of Inner Mongolia's modern vocational education system and undergraduate-level vocational schools. Carry out the construction of national regional medical centers and national emergency medical rescue bases in accordance with the plan, strengthen the management of public hospital reform and high-quality development demonstration projects, and accelerate the construction of a close county medical community. Carry out complete community pilots, implement shortcomings and capacity expansion and upgrading projects for comprehensive service facilities in Gacha Village (community), and increase the salary and benefits of community workers. Support Inner Mongolia in researching and solving the problem of establishing pension insurance policies for farmers and herdsmen whose land was expropriated in some areas, and explore measures to expand the coverage of enterprise annuities. Support the construction of martyrs' memorial facilities, glory homes, special care hospitals, military supply stations, etc., and improve the level of special care guarantees.

(29) Strengthen the defense of borders and strengthen the borders. Implement the project to upgrade the infrastructure of border node villages and towns, support the integrated construction of water, electricity, and telecommunications in border areas, and achieve universal coverage of drinking water, electricity, communications, and radio and television in natural villages, border posts, border police stations, and border police offices. We will carry out in-depth pilot projects to build urban centers for revitalizing border areas and enriching people. We will carry out the "Private Enterprises Entering the Border" campaign, implement the development project of characteristic industries to enrich the border people, and promote local and nearby employment and increase income for the border residents. Support ethnic trade and the production of commodities with special needs for ethnic groups. Promote the construction of the "Four Common" corridors along the border. Support the construction of fire prevention roads in the Daxinganling forest area and hardened roads leading to natural villages in Dabian. Accelerate the construction and renovation of the pending and low-grade sections of National Highway 331 along the border, and advance the construction of parallel national highways in an orderly manner. Study and strengthen the work force of towns and villages arriving at the border, strengthen the joint efforts of the party, government, military, police and civilians to strengthen border defense, and promote the construction of "safe northern Xinjiang and smart border defense".

(30) Prevent and resolve risks in key areas. Implement projects such as urban security resilience improvement, traffic safety improvement, social security prevention and control system, public safety video surveillance construction network application, and intelligent security unit construction. We will support the construction of a national emergency supplies reserve in Hohhot, and lay out the construction of regional databases in Hulunbuir, Chifeng, Wuhai and other areas, as well as backbone databases in some banner counties (cities and districts). Build Hulunbuir Forest Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting Training and Northern Aviation Emergency Rescue Bases to support comprehensive management of forest and grassland fire danger areas. Steadily advance risk disposal, capital replenishment and deepening reform of small and medium-sized banks. Strictly implement the requirement that the province assumes overall responsibility and local party committees and governments at all levels assume their own responsibilities, effectively prevent and resolve local debt risks in an orderly manner, and resolutely maintain the bottom line of preventing systemic risks. Strictly implement the production safety responsibility system and effectively prevent various major safety accidents.


(31) Uphold and strengthen the party's overall leadership. Give full play to the core leadership role of the Party in overseeing the overall situation and coordinating all parties, deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two establishments", strengthen the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", achieve "two safeguards", and put the party's Leadership runs through all aspects of the entire process of promoting high-quality development in Inner Mongolia. Strengthen the political and organizational functions of the party organization, give full play to the fighting fortress of grassroots party organizations and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, guide the majority of party members and cadres to vigorously promote the "Mongolian Horse Spirit" and the "Three North Spirit", and comprehensively mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of cadres at all levels Be honest and creative, keep integrity, innovate, and take responsibility, gather the joint efforts of all parties, and implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee.

(32) Strengthen policy support. Give play to the leading role of major projects and include qualified projects into the scope of investment and other support within the central budget. According to the needs of strategic positioning, we will provide support in the development of key industries and the implementation of major projects in areas such as new energy, new materials, modern equipment manufacturing, modern coal chemicals, dairy industry, and agricultural and livestock products. Support the exchange of temporary cadre posts between Inner Mongolia, central and state agencies, and the eastern coastal areas in accordance with relevant regulations and cadre management authority. We will increase efforts in talent training, list Inner Mongolia as a key support area in the western region, and promote high-end talents to support Inner Mongolia.

(33) Improve the work implementation mechanism. The Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region must implement the main responsibilities, formulate work lists, clarify timetables and construction drawings, and ensure that all tasks are implemented. Relevant departments of the State Council must, in accordance with the division of responsibilities and the goals and tasks determined in this opinion, strengthen guidance and coordination, issue supporting policies, and provide strong support to Inner Mongolia in implementing the "five major tasks". The National Development and Reform Commission should strengthen the tracking and evaluation of the implementation of these opinions, improve the working mechanism, coordinate and solve outstanding problems, and report important situations to the Party Central Committee and the State Council in a timely manner.


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